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Arugula Marinated Artichoke Salad

Friday, June 24, 2011
Well here we go! I chose this salad because I had marinated artichoke hearts in the frig that I needed to use.  But I also chose this salad because it is perfect on a hot day when the last thing you want to do is turn on the oven and heat up the house even more.  The dressing is a salty tangy vinaigrette using pesto I already had in the refrigerator.  You can of course make your own pesto should you have the ingredients, but one of the best things I like about this salad is that it is a good way to use up ingredients that you might have just lying around because its really the dressing that makes this salad.  And if you want to be really unique, like me, instead of just placing the vegetables on top of the salad, mix them in the dressing prior to putting them on the arugula to really give them that added flavor. You can use this salad as a complimentary side to your main meal, or make this the main meal by added some grilled chicken marinated in the dressing, or any other meat or vegetable you might have on hand.

Serves 2
                  4 oz of arugula
                  1/2 tomato
                  1/2 onion             
                  2 oz marinated artichoke hearts
                  2 Tbs pesto sauce
                  1 oz red wine vinegar
                  1 tsp minced garlic  
                  salt and pepper        
To make the dressing :
          Take the pesto sauce, red wine vinegar and minced garlic and combine it in small bowl and whisk it together.

For the salad:
          Next slice the onions.  Cut the tomatoes in wedges, and then quarter the wedges.  Chop the marinated artichokes.  Place arugula in a bowl and pour the dressing over the salad and mix together making sure the is arugula well coated.  Then take the arugula and divide it into two serving bowls.  Next take the onions and tomatoes and artichokes and place them in the same bowl the arugula was in, season with salt and pepper and toss.  Place on top of arugula in serving bowl and enjoy.


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