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Vanilla Extract

Friday, July 8, 2011
This is amazing to me because I never knew this.  You learn something new everyday. This one is for all the bakers.  Now you saying what the heck is he talking about!!  This is straight from Renee's Sweet Coner! we go!

You can always buy vanilla extract at the store, however I started noticing on other blogs that people were making their own and I wanted to try it out.  And for those of you who go through as much vanilla as I do, buying the $5.00 bottles of extract starts to get expensive.  The best part about making your own extract is that its cheap, easy, and it tastes much better than the store bought kind.  If you can't find any vanilla beans at your local store, you can always order a variety online for low prices.  I got my Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans online at Amazon for about $5.00 and there was no shipping charge.  The vodka that you use can be any brand so long as its regular vodka.  Aside from those two ingredients all you need is a bottle with a tight lid and a dark spot to put it in in order for it to mature and in a couple of weeks you have the best vanilla extract you could hope for.

Vanilla Extract

2-3 vanilla beans
4-5 oz vodka

Take the vanilla beans and cut them in half and then take each half and split it so that the seeds are showing.  Put the vanilla beans in the bottle or container.  Take the vodka and pour it over the vanilla beans until they are covered.  Place the bottle in a cool, dark area for about 2-3 weeks and make sure to give it a shake every now and then.  When you use up all the liquid you can reuse the beans again, just add more vodka!!  The vanilla beans should last for 2-3 uses and then you just replace them.  Enjoy!


Anonymous at: December 19, 2012 at 10:34 AM said...

This is so cool. I'm going to have to try this.

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